Lifelong learner working as a software engineer. React frontend developer, former Storybook maintainer, and technical writer about React, testing, and career.
Shallow comparison as a concept is all over React development. It plays a key role in different processes and can also be found at several places in...
The introduction of hooks in React 16.8 has totally changed the way we implement logic in our React components. React hooks provided us with an...
Only when I started a new job earlier this year did I discover the concept of pair programming in an engineering team and since then I have become...
Mocking dependencies of your code is one of the fundamental aspects to software testing that allows developers to gain control over data flows and...
Readable React: Content States · Content is crucial to any React web application. It is what makes our applications live up, interactive for users, and...
A story, self reflection, and learning from an early stage in my engineering job about how I forgot about the most important audience: reviewers. · By...